Friday, February 27, 2009

It's All About Me (tonight)

I really don't enough going on right now. Seriously.

Between my regular full time job, my part-time job, working on my graduate paper, and volunteering with local agency, my schedule is pretty full all the time.

I either need more hours in the day or need to make me a priority.

AND since more hours is not an option, ME needs to be a priority.

So, tonight, I am going to take this,

And these,
And some of this,

And make it ALL. ABOUT. ME.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Little House on the Prairie Courting

As I sit here and watch Little House on the Prairie (sick day), this episode is about a newcomer who is sweet on the doctor.

So, she schemes (a bit) by inviting herself to his dinner with the Ingalls' and bluntly tells the doctor that she would enjoy a ride with him.

Upon her return of their ride, he assists her down from the carriage and she sweeps into the house. As she removes her hat and sets her picnic basket on the table, she's asked if "that man" is in love with her. Her response is "I hope so" and she speaks passionately about his kindness and gentleness.

When the doctors friend mentions their age difference, the doctor responds that this is the first time in a long time when he "has felt really alive." Moving. Really.

Goodness, how things have changed! When was the last time you heard a man called kind and gentle? Lately, I hear other adjectives such as suh-weet, smooth, and smoking hot.

As a single woman (still holding out hope), I enjoy these shows for their nostalgia about the courting and dating rituals. The rituals were as innocent as they seemed and the man was a gentleman.

Please tell me there are men out there like that.


Elephant in the Room

As I passed by my guest bedroom the other day, I noticed an astonishing sight.

OMG! I actually have a treadmill in my home.

Okay, so it isn't a surprise. I've had it for a while, but the last time I used

And here's the real kicker- the way I feel when I complete a walk or run on it is super! I have so much energy, my skin clears up, and it actually makes me more positive.

So, why haven't I done it lately? No excuse. None. My mornings have enough time for me to get in a short 20-30 minute workout.

Additionally, I even added this to help!

Lets review:
I can watch a movie/listen to ipod- check.
I can read a book- check.
No-one has to see me in my awful workout clothes- check.
I don't have to leave the house- check.
I can do it early or late with no lines or fees- check.

I'm a dufus. Come bathing suit season, I will be so upset at myself. So I must get crackin'.

How do you get motivated?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Show me the Bag!

1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. No cheating!

2. If there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.

3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you're showing everyone your bag.

Here is the current bag. I say bag, because it's larger than a purse. Bought at TJ Maxx about 4 years ago for the colors (blue, black, and white) and size, it was love at first sight. Currently, it totes my daily life, including some plastic folders of papers.

I *heart* large bags.

Okay, now for the inside. The pic below should show:
  • keys
  • tic tacs & gum
  • camera
  • wallet
  • cell phone & blue tooth set
  • daily calendar
  • pens (grief! do i really have that many!)
  • make-up bag (think drug store- may have too many lipsticks there)
  • prescriptions/paid reliever (striped bag)
  • coupons (clear blue packet)
  • USB drives (small blue zippered case)
  • papers for classes (large pink folder)

Wow! I had no idea!

P.S. I would like to say that I'll clean it out, but it's probably not going to happen.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Flash of Light

Uh oh. You know it's time to add lighting to the closet when you start to use this to see. :(

Don't get me wrong, I do have a light in the closet. But obviously it just isn't getting the job done.

Either I'll add lighting, or just upgrade the one light that I have. Sounds like a project for this weekend.

Have you had this happen?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Great Giveaway from Inspiring Ideas

Happy 1st Birthday to Inspiring Blog!

To celebrate, Jeanne is giving away this fabulous prize! Head over to check it out!


Laminate Countertop: Fixes

My laminate counter tops are a dark gray/black. Sometimes they get scratched by my cooking, cleaning, or just plain clumsiness.

To remove stains:

1. Use distilled vinegar, rubbing alcohol or bleach. (I will probably use rubbing alcohol, as bleach scares me.)

To treat minor scratches:
1. Polish the counter with lemon oil or car wax.

Tonight, I'll try the lemon oil and post the before and afters.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Frame by Frame

Usually, I talk about my home, but I thought today I would share the story behind my office decoration. Since my current office is my first office (so excited), it is a great opportunity to reflect my style in my own environment.

Not only was style important, but so was the budget.

Luckily, this was easily accomplished by using my imagination and some scissors.

I dug an outdated calendar from the back of the closet and began to brainstorm how to use it. The pictures were colorful depictions of travel art, with a cream border measuring 1 inch. They were perfect! I took them out and added them to plain black frames!

This project can easily be personalized, as you can use any calendar, and any frames.

This would be great on a sunporch with green frames-

Or you could add black and white pictures to red frames-
I may have to purchase this one and put it in my bathroom and hallway- (isn't it neat)

If you like travel, there are plenty of calendars which reflect this-

Perhaps you like the old Americana-
with this distressed frame-

Budget tight? Try to find calendars from older years, and buy your frames from Goodwill. Happy hunting!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Console Me

I have been wanting, no, craving a console table/sofa table to hold my lamps. Preferably, it would be clean, and classic, with a bit of storage.

The clean lines of this one really floats my boat, but the price ($549) doesn't.

I think I'll move on. This one has nice drawers for storage, in case I decide to re-arrange the furniture so that the table is not between the couch and wall.

The iron and glass on this one would go with any furniture I already have, or will have in the future. However, I wonder if I could be trusted to keep it organized and clean. Hmmm...
I really like this one for it's clean lines, drawers, bottom shelf, not to mention a great price. With a quick change of the drawer knobs, it would be right at home.


Apartment vs. House

I know that some prefer an apartment to a home and vice versa. Currently, I own a home, but sometimes wish for an apartment (especially when it comes time to clean!).

To me, an apartment has a coziness that a home doesn't always have. Or perhaps my home just isn't the way I want it yet.

While browsing through my library, I found a great decorating book, for apartments. Although it wouldn't really apply for most of my home, I get inspiration from it.

Called The New Apartment book, it has great ideas for small spaces. I especially like their idea for a banquette/kitchen area. If you are interested in purchasing this book, you can find it on Amazon for about $.70 used.

Do you have a home, but long for an apartment, or vice versa?


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Milk Duds and Color

Over the weekend, I had a girls night with my god-daughter and her mom, who is a great friend of mine. We piled into her condo, gorged ourselves on pizza, 6 kinds of candy (milk duds anyone), and chick flicks.

When I entered her condo, I was struck with the realization that my friend loves her home.

Loves. Her. Home.

"A home is about free expression, not first impressions." (courtesy of the movie, Yours, Mine and Ours.)

Instead of decorating it with meaningless tchochtkes and style of the month objects, she has included bits and pieces of herself and things that evoke precious memories.

Her living/tv area is full of meaningful artwork against a red wall. Some art she found at stores, and others her daughter made.

I love her idea of using an old sewing machine as a tv stand. It adds much character.

Her dining room holds a 5 drawer chest which was a gift to her. It's a great way to add both storage and color.

Additionally, one wall of her dining room has some homemade plates made by her daughter (my god-daughter). I love the fact that it adds color, but in a simple, clean way.

Does your home reflect you or Country Living magazine?


Sunday Message- TrEaSuRe

Sunday School was a real treat this morning. The lesson was about our treasures.

Do you keep treasures in a special place? I do. It's called my home. Treasures can be many different items, but not always tangible. Sometimes they are a memory. One of a special person, or special time.

Matthew 6:19-21
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Do I store up treasures here on earth? I do, of course.

Do you?


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall?

It's time to replace the mirror in the master bathroom. Right now it's the usual mirror which came with the home- big, no frame, and no imagination.

Ideally, the mirror should be pretty, and add a bit of "architectural wow."

I like this idea of adding a free standing full-length mirror, but I don't have room for it.

I like this mirror for it's architectural details.

I like this mirror for it's small ledge, which would be good for odds n'ends. But does that mean I would put too much stuff on it? Hmm...

I really like these adjustable mirrors. They could blend with whatever wall color I decide.

I like these because they make a simple, yet striking statement against the orange walls.

I like this one because of it's shape. My bath would require at least 2.

Thoughts? What does your master bath look like?


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Bowl!

I really enjoyed myself at the super bowl party. It was hosted by a friend of mine, in her new home!

For snacks, I took some Cream Cheese Bacon Crescents! They were so easy, and were gone in minutes! Yum-o!

Needless to say, her new home is gorgeous! I love the accents she used. Especially the large clock in the kitchen.

It was similar to this, (from Target)

Ballard Designs offers this one,

JCPenney offers this one,

Any one of these would make a great addition!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Storm & Power Issues

Sorry about my lack of posting. We've had a great snow/ice storm and things are just now melting, and power just now returning for some.

I managed to snag a few goodies while I was out running around.

Isn't it neat! It's a shoe mold to which people would have gauged sizes for shoes!

And I found these,

They are actually salt and pepper shakers. I thought they were so cute!


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