Mirror, Mirror on the Wall?
It's time to replace the mirror in the master bathroom. Right now it's the usual mirror which came with the home- big, no frame, and no imagination.
Ideally, the mirror should be pretty, and add a bit of "architectural wow."
I like this idea of adding a free standing full-length mirror, but I don't have room for it.I like this mirror for it's architectural details.
I like this mirror for it's small ledge, which would be good for odds n'ends. But does that mean I would put too much stuff on it? Hmm...
I really like these adjustable mirrors. They could blend with whatever wall color I decide.I like these because they make a simple, yet striking statement against the orange walls.
I like this one because of it's shape. My bath would require at least 2.
Thoughts? What does your master bath look like?
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