Monday, April 26, 2010

Unplanned Weekend

Well, this weekend was supposed to be one for the record books of clean. Unfortunately, a virus had other ideas. So, instead of spending the weekend with the vacuum and the glass cleaner, it was spent with the bed and the toilet. (sorry for the graphics)

I need a weekend do-over but that isn't going to happen.

Today will be spent in bed, thinking about the things I would have done.

Of course, I'll probably surf Craigslist also, just in case I need something. ;)

How was your weekend?



Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend Warrior

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been gone for a bit. Unfortunately, some class work needed to be done and I didn't have much time to do it. Anyway, it's been done, and I'm back.

This weekend, since there is no more homework, I'll be doing quite a bit at the casa. It's been neglected lately, and looks pretty bad.

I need to:
1. plant the tomato seeds
2. vacuum most of the house (sounds lovely doesn't it)
3. try to mow, but it's raining right now, so that may not happen
4. buy tile filler to work on 5 split tiles (it's really awful looking)
5. donate books to library and clothes to goodwill

Whew! I better start early!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Craigslist Find!

You know I love a Craigslist find and yesterday's was super! I scored this puppy for $10 buckaroos!

The bedroom needed a larger one to actually see the nightly news, and my first thought was to head over to craigslist and offer to re-home one.

Luckily, an older couple was getting rid of this gem!

Enjoy! :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Blossom

I'm so excited to see my purple, pink, and blue babies grow and blossom! My babies (also known as hydrangeas) are so gorgeous in the summer, and continue to bloom with just a bit of hydration in the morning. I usually have so many from just these three plants, that I bring them into work for others to enjoy. A few flowers brighten everyone's day!

Which babies are coming up in your yard?

Enjoy! :)


Monday, April 12, 2010

Cute Bumper Sticker

This morning, on the way into work, I saw a car with this great bumper sticker!

Since it's very difficult to read, it's says

"I drive like a Cullen."

You can purchase them here from Amazon.

Enjoy! :)


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Healthy Potato Recipe

I love, LOVE, potatoes! They are one of my favorites, and I've begun to cook them as a healthier alternative.

Last night, I whipped this up:

Lemon Dill Potatoes:
* 4 potatoes
* 1/2 c olive oil
* 1/2 tsp garlic powder
* juice of 1 lemon
* 1/2 tsp of dill

Scrub the outside of the potatoes to clean the skin. Slice them very thin (the thinner you slice them, the faster they cook). Heat a skillet (that has a lid) on medium high. Add all ingredients except potatoes. Allow to heat for 3 minutes. Add potatoes and cook until golden brown, about 10-15 min.

Enjoy! :)


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Join me in my journey of cooking yummy dishes, re-purposing furniture, and generally living my life.

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