October Goals Review
October wasn't too bad, although I think I had too many goals, especially with taking two classes! Whew!
Personal Development:
1. Revise budget, add more saving, less spending.- This wasn't easy, but definitely worthwhile.
2. Try a new recipe and blog-it.- I made Baked Ranch Chicken, with success!
3. Read "The How To of Happiness."- This was actually an interesting book, and I'm glad I read it.
Professional Development:
1. Apply for more jobs with my new degree.- I did apply for at least 2.
2. Read "Never Check Email in the Morning."- Unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete this goal. My classes have really eaten my time.
1. Return garage items to rightful owners (really).- I returned most of the items, but there have been other items added to the garage. Just when I think it's over...
2. Paint twin bed.- Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to this.
1. Take a day trip to local museum or park.- I visited a local museum to see their collection of weapons, both new and old.
1. Finish final paper (of graduate career).- I had hoped to be further along than I really am, but that's not the case.
1 Thoughts:
It sounds like you had a pretty successful month. Good work!
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