Friday, May 7, 2010

The Gift that Gives and Saves

Yesterday, while at one of my favorite shops in town (Seek and Find), I found a gift for Cleo. If you remember, she loves water! (see those pics here)

So while in the shop I found some water tabletop water fountains for about $2. It was so worth the money because I know that Cleo will be thrilled! It's battery operated and doesn't require me to waste water but running it in the sink.

I removed it from it's box and set it on a table near the sofa. She really liked the box and the styrofoam filling, which wasn't the point.

It took her a while to get used to it...She has to check it out from all angles.

Then she has to stare at it and make sure it is what she thinks..

Yes, she approves. In goes her paw.

Enjoy! :)

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