Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Goals

For March, I vow:

1. To enrich my person development by:

a. making a new healthy recipe and blog it. It's past time. Sigh.
b. Take at least 5 new pictures, and label them, to keep memories. Memories are great, but they are even better when I know what happened, and how.
c. Be romantic on a $5 budget. This can be done. Really.

2. to clean/organization/decorate the house by:
a. painting the twin bed. It's finally in the house.
b. re-homing the white desk. This would make a great desk, for someone else.
c. painting the office/guest room. It's still white from when I moved in...8 years ago.

3. to achieve a healthy(ier) me by:
a. walking for at least 25 consecutive minutes at least once a week. The weather is getting nicer which will make it easier for me to strap on my tennies. Hello sun!
b. attempting small changes in diet to eat healthier. For March- reduce amount of soda's and juices. It'll be tough, but I can do it.

Have you made your March goals? How are they coming?

Enjoy :)

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