Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meal Planning Mania

Meal planning is usually one of my monthly goals, but it's pretty much a love/hate relationship. I love the benefits, but hate doing it!

I've made it a monthly goal to get in the habit- you know, motivation. That way, when a hungry redhead walks in late, from a long day's work, she doesn't have to eat cereal. Did I mention that the redhead is usually cold and grumpy too? Not fun.

The easy fix is to have a meal plan.

Now, in my head, a meal plan is something similar to a mix between Emeril, Paula Deen, and Rachel Ray. Yikes!

But in real life, I know it to be something that I can knock out in about 20 minutes on a Sunday afternoon. AND, it doesn't include any gourmet anythings.

I've Googled some Web sites for help, and found some great ones:

So, why don't I do it more often? That's a good question which I don't have an answer for. But, I'll get better. It needs to happen, and often.

So, do tell:
How do you meal plan?
Do you use grocery store brochures?
How involved is your plan? Do you plan snacks, desserts, etc.?

1 Thoughts:

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards October 14, 2009 at 10:07 AM  

hehe.... a hungry cold and grumpy redhead. Watch out!

We just make a list of the meals I have all supplies for when we grocery shop. Usually, there are 8 or so full meals after grocery shopping so that lasts a few weeks between leftovers and eating out.

I love the way Emily at Imperfect did her meal plan - for the whole month. Although, while I do like it, I haven't done it. =)

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