Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Green Exchange

I love painless (and cheap!) ways to cut down on the chemicals I use to clean my home. I found these ideas in Woman's Day magazine and thought I would share:

1. Instead of a drain unclogger (like drain-o), try boiling water and a plunger. Pour a kettle of boiling water into the sink; let it drain to loosen up the clog. Then take a sink plunger and plunge for a full minute.

2. Instead of dryer sheets, try aluminum foil. It won't soften the laundry, but tossing in a hand-sized ball of foil will get rid of all the static cling.

3. Instead of carpet cleaner, try baking soda and hot water. Sprinkle baking soda on the rug, lightly spray with hot water, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then wet-vacuum. (You may be able to use your regular vacuum if dry.)

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