April Goals Update..
Yes, I'm a bit behind on the goals update.
Personal Development:
1. Make a new healthy recipe and blog it.- DONE. I made and blogged a potato recipe.
2. Take at least 5 new pictures, and label them, to keep memories.- DONE. These include pictures of Alby, the house, the Wicked play, and craigslist finds.
3. Be romantic on a $5 budget.- DONE. I purchased the boy an ice cream treat. :)
Work on the home office including:
1. Paint the twin bed. - FAIL
2. Add new hardward to white desk.- FAIL
3. Paint the room.- FAIL
Healthy Me:
1. Walk for at least 20 consecutive minutes at least once a week.- DONE. Since getting Alby, it's not hard for me to walk at least twice a day!
2. Attempt small changes in diet to eat healthier- more veggies!- DONE. I've been on a cucumber kick lately.
3. Plant tomatoes.- DONE. I also planted cucumbers and peppers.
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