Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Room Switcheroo

Over the weekend, I began to consider my furniture and whether or not it has the best placement. This is actually a hobby of mine. You never know where the furniture will be when you come over. :)

Currently, I have a mixed set in the dining room, with an expandable table, and 4 comfy chairs. See below.

The kitchen area has an oak color table which seats 6.

I think it's time to paint the kitch oak set a black with a brown diamond pattern, and move it to the dining room. It would look a bit more formal with a different color and I can move the small hutch with it.

The mixed dining room set will be moved into the kitchen, with the table extensions removed. It's chairs are so comfortable, and with a few white slip covers, it would make a nice kitchen set.


Enjoy! :)

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