Thursday, May 27, 2010

April Goals Update..

Yes, I'm a bit behind on the goals update.

Personal Development:

1. Make a new healthy recipe and blog it.- DONE. I made and blogged a potato recipe.

2. Take at least 5 new pictures, and label them, to keep memories.- DONE. These include pictures of Alby, the house, the Wicked play, and craigslist finds.

3. Be romantic on a $5 budget.- DONE. I purchased the boy an ice cream treat. :)

Work on the home office including:
1. Paint the twin bed.
2. Add new hardward to white desk.- FAIL
3. Paint the room.- FAIL

Healthy Me:
1. Walk for at least 20 consecutive minutes at least once a week.- DONE. Since getting Alby, it's not hard for me to walk at least twice a day!

2. Attempt small changes in diet to eat healthier- more veggies!- DONE. I've been on a cucumber kick lately.

3. Plant tomatoes.- DONE. I also planted cucumbers and peppers.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Room Switcheroo

Over the weekend, I began to consider my furniture and whether or not it has the best placement. This is actually a hobby of mine. You never know where the furniture will be when you come over. :)

Currently, I have a mixed set in the dining room, with an expandable table, and 4 comfy chairs. See below.

The kitchen area has an oak color table which seats 6.

I think it's time to paint the kitch oak set a black with a brown diamond pattern, and move it to the dining room. It would look a bit more formal with a different color and I can move the small hutch with it.

The mixed dining room set will be moved into the kitchen, with the table extensions removed. It's chairs are so comfortable, and with a few white slip covers, it would make a nice kitchen set.


Enjoy! :)


Weekend Recap

This weekend was super! I spent Saturday with beer, brats, and baseball! And of course- my favorite boy in the whole world!

We went to the Louisville Slugger Field to watch the Louisville Bats kill the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees. Even though it was pretty warm to be outside in the sun (80), it cooled off in the shade by the last two innings. :)

This week I plan to work on the home office (again), and get some camping supplies together.

Enjoy! :)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sweet and Salties Recipe

I saw this in a magazine and had to share! Warning: it's not low fat, or low-cal! :)

Sweet and Salties
(20 servings)

You'll need:
40 saltine crackers (use grahams for sweeter snack)
2 sticks unsalted butter
1 cup light brown sugar
8 oz semi-sweet choc chips (about 1 1/3 cups)

1. Preheat oven to 425. Line baking sheet (not glass) with aluminum foil and the crackers
2. In a medium saucepan, melt butter and sugar and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 min.
3. Remove from heat and pour over crackers, covering them evenly.
4. Place baking sheet into oven and watch them closely. Bake for 5 min or until just bubbly.
5. Remove from oven and pour chocolate chips over crackers. when chips begin to melt, spread them over crackers with a knife or spatula.
6. Transfer pan to freezer. Let stay 15-20 min or until cold.
7. Remove from freezer and break/cut into pieces.
8. store in air tight container.

Enjoy! :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Giveaway (Fashion under $100)

Isn't he gorgeous! He's also the giveaway on Fashion Under $100. Head over to the blog, enter the contest, and then look around!

I personally like Amy Adam's look, Reese Witherspoons look, and (of course) Kim Kardashian's look.



Addition to the Family

Don't start with the baby talk- it's a four-legger. :) Meet Alby (Latin for white).

His mom moved to Germany, and asked me to take care of him. Ok, actually, I was one of the few that she trusts to take care of him.

He's already the king, and knows it. ;)

Enjoy! :)


Monday, May 17, 2010

1 Banana, 2 Banana, 3 Banana

This weekend, as a special treat, I made Cinnamon Banana Pancakes. They were super fab! But before I get to the recipe, I want to share a little heart attack moment I had this weekend.

While at Walmart, I really needed to get some olive oil (yes, I'm a little Rachel Ray). I was happily wandering to the right section, and saw this!

Um, excuse me! $4.36? Don't. Think. So. Movin' on.

On to something sweeter:

Cinnamon Banana Pancakes
(makes 4)

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 bananas, peeled and mashed

1. Combine all ingredients, except bananas, in a mixing bowl. Whisk together.
2. Add bananas and mix well.
3. Pour about 1/4 of the batter into a greased (or buttered) skillet over medium heat.
4. Cook until golden brown on both sides (about 4-6 min).
5. Serve with butter, syrup, and piping hot coffee. Enjoy!

How was your weekend? :)


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring is in Bloom

I was so excited to see these beauties yesterday! Aren't they gorgeous! I planed them about 3 years ago along the house in the backyard and am so pleased with the results.

Having pretty flowers in the house makes me smile!

How are your flowers?



Friday, May 7, 2010

The Gift that Gives and Saves

Yesterday, while at one of my favorite shops in town (Seek and Find), I found a gift for Cleo. If you remember, she loves water! (see those pics here)

So while in the shop I found some water tabletop water fountains for about $2. It was so worth the money because I know that Cleo will be thrilled! It's battery operated and doesn't require me to waste water but running it in the sink.

I removed it from it's box and set it on a table near the sofa. She really liked the box and the styrofoam filling, which wasn't the point.

It took her a while to get used to it...She has to check it out from all angles.

Then she has to stare at it and make sure it is what she thinks..

Yes, she approves. In goes her paw.

Enjoy! :)


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unexpected Visitor

Sorry it's been awhile. Unfortunately, some not-so-great things are happening at work, and I've been applying to jobs like crazy. Pretty soon everyone will have my resume. :)

Anyway, I wanted to show you the visitor we had yesterday at my office. As I was walking in, I noticed an oddity on the wall. At first glance, I thought it was a turtle, but as I got closer, I saw the ears, and then...the wings!!

Yes, it was a bat! He hung around (ha ha) until lunch, then took off. At least he had a good parking spot. :)

Enjoy :)


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Join me in my journey of cooking yummy dishes, re-purposing furniture, and generally living my life.

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