Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Our drinking glasses have slowly begun to disappear. One disappeared into the trash after being dropped into a thousand pieces. Another disappeared in the car. Perhaps it has found a new home under one of the seats. Yet another disappeared into my office, which is quite unusual considering my office is now very clean with new furniture (courtesy of the flood).

So, to make a long story short, this weekend was the weekend of glasses. I was so tired of washing what little glasses we had left, and didn't want to invest in paper or plastic, so off to Target I went.

I came home with 2 boxes of these beauties.

That gives me a nice round number of 12 of each. Although I'm not a fan of the juice glasses, they were a set. My theory is, if you are going to have a glass of anything- just have a big glass.

So, as far as drinking glasses go, we should be set for a little while longer. Drink on.

Enjoy! :)

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