Sunday, October 4, 2009

Road Trippin'

Last month (it went so fast), I went to visit Lake Barkley, with the family. It was such a nice trip! The weather was pretty rainy..but at least it wasn't hot and muggy. :)

We stayed at my favorite place, the Lake Barkley State Resort. It has the best views! You can stand on their porch and look over the pool out onto the lake. It really is relaxing! Also, they renovated the rooms and they are even more comfortable with big, heavy quilts. Just turn down the heat and let me go!

I was also able to get in some fishin'! I really love it for the relaxed, repetitive motions. The water is soothing, and just turning my wrist to reel in the really...sigh.. helps me loosen up and remember why I should be grateful for all the things that I have.

In addition to the fishing, I ate at one of the "101 Must Places to Eat in Kentucky" called Hot Diggity Dog. Of course I had to have the one with pickles and banana peppers. It was really yummy!

Can you tell I'm ready to go again

1 Thoughts:

Organic Meatbag October 5, 2009 at 8:22 AM  

I don't think I've ever heard of Lake Barkley...looks nice!

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