Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bed Bummer

This is the bed that Ashley bought.

This is the refinished bed that Ashley bought.

This is the refinished bed that Ashley bought for very few dollars.

This is the twin black refinished bed that Ashley bought for very few dollars that isn't a twin bed.

This is the twin black refinished bed that Ashley bought for very few dollars that isn't a twin.

This is the twin black refinished bed that Ashley bought for very few dollars that isn't a twin but is a 3/4.

This is the twin black refinished bed that Ashley bought for very few dollars that isn't a twin but is a 3/4 that will need a custom mattress.

This is a bummer.

Unfortunately the custom mattress will cost about $500. Of course, I found this out when my mattress rails were made.

So, on to plan B.

I found a nice bed on Craigslist. What are your thoughts? Although it could use a new coat of paint, it is wood and I like the spindles.

Enjoy? :)

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