Saturday, July 18, 2009

Patio Party Design Board- Craigslist!

As you know, I love CRAIGSLIST!

It has super deals, and I like finding oddities that no-one loves, only to put it in my home and show it off for the wonder it is!

To show how Craigslist can be used, I created a patio party design board for a grand total of $60 buckaroos! Yep, this would be the cost. But I would advise you to offer a few dollars less, and bargain!

Here's the breakdown:
Game: $7
Appetizer Tray: $7
4 Chairs: $16
Table: $10
Sisal Rug: $10
Lantern: $10
TOTAL: $60.00

**although, if you bargained, I think you could get all of this for $51.00**

:) Enjoy!

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