Monday, April 20, 2009

Thunder Over Louisville

On Saturday, I attended Thunder over Louisville which was held at the waterfront. It is the largest fireworks show in North America. Before the actual fireworks, is a really cool air show.

Luckily, a friend's sister had VIP tickets, which were awesome! The ticket provided:

  • a shuttle from a downtown parking garage to the waterfront,
  • dinner (chicken, burgers, hot dogs, salad, potato salad, deviled eggs, etc.),
  • 2 drink tickets (wine for me thanks), and
  • a seat on the bridge.
Let me explain about the bridge. The fireworks are shot off on barges on the Ohio River, on both sides of the 2nd street bridge. Hence, the seats on the bridge were gold!

This is what I saw when I descended from the shuttle. I was very impressed!

Downtown Louisville, complete with construction.


Fireworks time!

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