Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Elephant in the Room

As I passed by my guest bedroom the other day, I noticed an astonishing sight.

OMG! I actually have a treadmill in my home.

Okay, so it isn't a surprise. I've had it for a while, but the last time I used

And here's the real kicker- the way I feel when I complete a walk or run on it is super! I have so much energy, my skin clears up, and it actually makes me more positive.

So, why haven't I done it lately? No excuse. None. My mornings have enough time for me to get in a short 20-30 minute workout.

Additionally, I even added this to help!

Lets review:
I can watch a movie/listen to ipod- check.
I can read a book- check.
No-one has to see me in my awful workout clothes- check.
I don't have to leave the house- check.
I can do it early or late with no lines or fees- check.

I'm a dufus. Come bathing suit season, I will be so upset at myself. So I must get crackin'.

How do you get motivated?

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